Saturday, March 21, 2009

It Go's

I'm feeling very uninspired. I'm almost done with the first draft of this little novel, and I'm suddenly ery unsatisfied with it. It will need so much editing! That's okay, but I'm getting the feeling that, once I edit it, the end product still won't be that great. I'm so married to the characters right now, though. And the time period. I don't know what I'll do about it. Like, nothing is exactly coming together like it should. I bet you can take a marionette doll and lay it on the floor, and the strings will look all messy and it'll look broken and stuff. But then you just grab the little stick things and lift them up, and all of a sudden everything rises into place and comes together perfectly. I think there's a better object for that analogy, but I can't think of what it is. A kite? No, but kite strings have only been tangled in my lifetime, and my experiences therewith are few and far between. But that's what I want to happen, I'm just not really feeling like it will. Do I have too many different characters with storylines of their own that just won't come together? Or do I focus too much on a single storyline, such that any time I mention anything else it's a paltry detail, leaving the reader wondering "either this will tie back in to the witch thing, or it's absolutely useless."

I don't have any other ideas right now. Maybe I should take another look through the previous novel. I had a dream a few nights ago that someone told me Two Hours Without Nannette was the worst short story they had EVER read. It wasn't crushing or anything. Just, oh, okay, well thanks for the feedback.

I've had like five dreams about Latin. One time I was translating from Spanish to Latin. Last night a bit of Latin came up in one of the classes that my subconscious is taking, and I interrupted to say that Latin only has hard g's (which makes me laugh, now. All they g's is hard). And then I went into one of those diatribes that all of the smart but quiet kids dream about but also are really annoyed by, where I just took control of the class and started telling everyone about Latin. And they were all fascinated!

I've been sweating a lot lately. It's not winter anymore, but I was sweating yesterday, when it was winter. I'm drenched right now! Maybe I should stop drinking this ginger tea. I've only been drinking tea for a few months; what do tea people do when it's too hot to drink hot tea? Surely they don't switch to iced-tea, which is the most vile and shudder-worthy thing I can think of now, in my uninspired state. My difestion has relied so much on ginger and peppermint teas that I don't know how I'll survive.

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