Thursday, March 26, 2009

In lieu of anything important

I find it really satisfying to make a meal like this. I used the last of the turkey I had in that package, the last of the broccoli I had at all, and the last of the rice I had in the tupperware. I think it's because I enjoy the aspect of cleaning where you throw things out and then you never think about them again. And then there's empty places where you can put ALL NEW THINGS!

I almost finished the vegetable broth. I went a little over-zealous, trying unsuccessfully to finish it. Now there's probably not enough to use again, but my dinner was a bit too wet. I do that a lot, though. I also came very very close to finishing off the garlic salt and garlic pepper, which I'm ambivalent about. Normally I use garlic, salt and pepper, but I ran out of garlic a week ago, so I'm currently doing garlic salt and pepper. I can't decide if it's efficient or sloppy to use the latter in lieu of the former. Also, I could never remember which meant what between in lieu of and in light of, but I just realized that I've known for five years that lieu means place in French. So I should be able to keep them straight.

There's still a lot of cheese and olive oil left. Oh well. I was inclined to call this meal very self-sustaining, but that's not what that means at all. What would a self-sustaining meal be? Like, a hummingbird's meal? And what words would describe this one, other than delicious? That's collective your collective assignment for the night.

1 comment:

  1. This meal sounds tasty but a little vague! xoxo MT
