Friday, April 10, 2009

The week's end///

Last week, I had a phone interview with City Year. Then yesterday, I drove down to their office in San Jose to do an in-person interview. I think they both went pretty well. Veronica on the phone and Jarett in person seemed satisfied with my answers and I'm confident that they know I'd be a valuable asset.

In both interviews, however, they seemed more impressed with the questions I asked, rather than the answers I gave. Not to say that they didn't like my answers, but Jarett said "that's a GREAT question" to two things I said, and "I wish everyone asked that question" to a third. And I know that matters, because as we were wrapping up he said wanted to write down my questions before he forgot them.

I should find out within the next month. This is the last step in the application process for me, which means it's too late to screw it up! Unless, of course, they find my blog and read about how much I hate service, or how, the first time I had chitlins, I was noticeably disappointed with the fact that it wasn't Southern-style calling of cooked childrens. You know, those sorts of slip-ups that might make them think twice. Those are the only ones left for me!

Which is good, because I narrowly avoided comparing City Year to Karl Marx. I meant it in a positive way, but I think in our society that's seen as an automatic negative. But he said that they do something in a certain way, and why do I think they do it like that? I very neary said "well, like Karl Marx said on the assembly line..." but I implied it instead. It wasn't even that I had an alarm saying "don't bring up Marx in an interview!" but more that I wasn't sure if what I remembered was an accurate representation of his complaints about the assembly line.

I had physical therapy today. My left leg is NOTICEABLY, capitally smaller than my right. It really bugs me. But the physical therapist encouraged me to start going to the gym again, so I can right that wrong. My biggest concern right now is how weak my knee is. It hurts to squat.

So hopefully I'll be going to the gym soon, but I'm not sure that I can afford to pay my dues. They charged me the day after I froze my membership, so that should mean I have a full month paid from when I unfreeze it. So by May 10, I should have my first paycheck, but why really knows for sure?

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