Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Define it

It's probably natural to associate a single event or theme in your life with a particular year. Or, I mean vice-versa, but I won't fix it because I'm eating an apple with my right hand, and it's too much work to retype the whole sentence with one hand.

So, like I hear or read 2004, I'll always think first of my high school graduation. You mention 1990 and I'll immediately think of Karen. So what was my first thought when someone yesterday said he had graduated in 2006? Midterm elections. It's been a pretty consistent theme for me. I've noticed over the past few years that 2006 is primarily associated with, as I was excitedly calling them at the times, midterms.

2006, the year I moved to San Francisco, the year that contained most of my first relationship and my employment at the library. Yet the midterm elections trump all of that. It really did consume me in those days. I mean, almost as soon as I moved to San Francisco, the tension and excitement of the upcoming election had begun. Midterms defined my first semester at SF State.

I don't know, it's just so odd to me. I'm not ashamed of it, even though it is a little pathetic. I think it's because I was really miserable that first semester, but I wasn't aware of it. It was my first time living away from home and I figured that was just how it was. So I put all of my energy and interests toward politics.

I guess I'm trying to tack a conclusion onto the end of a post that doesn't really have one. It's more just an opportunity to share that strange little quirk.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed that, and I too always feel like I should tack conclusions onto things. It is interesting to me that you say you were miserable and didn't know it. I don't know if that has ever happened to me.
