Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What's green is green, and you, Guardian Council, are green

I've been following this Iran story like mad because, like my green arm band will say, I support spontaneous and organic expression of democracy at home and abroad. Also because I think Iran is a really interesting country that few people in the US know much about, and we think of it as a 3rd world country, but I think it's like a wealthy, more ordered version of Mexico. I really don't think Iran is in the 3rd world.

Anyway, a recent development over the last few days is that the Guardian Council has agreed to a partial recount. Which is, like, the stupidest thing I can think of. In order of most to least likely:

1. They say that the vote count was wrong, and Ahmadinejad still won but by a smaller margin (say, 56-39).
2. They say that the vote count was correct and Ahmadinejad's win is valid.
3. They say the vote was wrong and Mousavi won OR both candidates are below 50% so there will be a run-off.
4. They order a new election.

I read 1 as meaning "yes, we agree that someone cheated, but it really doesn't make a difference." I mean, admitting you cheated but making no real concessions is pretty damn inflammatory and I think it'll only get people more stirred up. 2 is a great big fuck you to the people of Iran, and it'll only rile them up more. 3 is a total admission of guilt and, while it might buy them more time, it ultimately tells the reformists that they can have whatever they want if they protest loud enough. It essentially gives the current system an expiration date of 2020, but leaves the current administration's fresh-saving seal open and the whole box out in the sun. And 4 is a total toss-up. I have no idea what will happen and nor does the Guardian Council. If they really didn't fix the election they can have confidence that similar results will turn up in a second vote, but they and I both know that they did fix it. I don't know what I would do if I were them, but I certainly wouldn't have done this. Oh well, I guess it just speeds up the process.

Green arm bands for all! As soon as I make mine!

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