Sunday, May 17, 2009

Radio Albania

Tirana will never quite be Durazzo but, you know what? It'll also never be hell.

This is truly my hell. Not that Vacaville is really that bad (I hate it, but it could be much worse), or that I'm depressed or anything. I am miserable, though. Yeah, lack of local friends and I hate driving and etc., but the real cause of my misery is this heat. I was in bed sweating last night around midnight. I'm not made for this heat and neither is my computer; it keeps over-heating and turning off. I thought my computer was God, but apparently even God is vulnerable in hell.

Weather reports consistently show San Jose to be 5 degrees cooler than Vacaville. Sure, 5 degrees is not that big of a difference, especially as later this week Vacaville and San Francisco will be 20 degrees apart. But that's Durazzo. I have to work my way back there. I have to be grateful with how far I have come. From hell to Tirana will be quite enough for the time being; then from Tirana I can pine and scheme for Durazzo.

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