Saturday, July 14, 2012

I have food stamps and I'm not ashamed

I receive $200 a month in food stamp benefits.

I'm full-time a graduate student.  Food stamps are just one of several ways that I support myself.  I saved a little bit of money from my previous job, I found a new job on campus, and I have taken out student loans.  I also began college with nearly $10,000 in an education award, which I earned through two years of full-time community service.  I have since used this award to pay tuition and pay down some of my student loan debt.

I am proud to be on food stamps, because it's a part of my story, and it's part of how I've gotten to where I am today.  It's not my only strategy, but it is an integral part of my life experience over the last several years.

In a year, I will have received my professional graduate degree, and in an economy at this level or better, I will begin earning a far greater wage than I ever have.  And within a few years, through income and sales taxes, I will have paid far more into the system than I have taken out.  And I will be happy to pay much, much more into the system, in order to make make a social investment, and help people who need it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I'm writing a song for Nicki Minaj's next album!

 I'm the best and greatest me
You ain't the best me
Me me me me me
The greatest and the best is me
Me is the best [weird voice] and greatest me
You're the worst worse than me

I'm me the best greatest me
You are just as lame as my pee
Me is the me me me me
Me best me greatest me
[weird voice] You are not as greatest as me!

No one as as best or as greatest as me
I am all the greatests and also me
You're a bitch and a hoe unlike me
I'm the biggest bitch hoe greatest me
[weird voice] I I I I I I I I I (me)
[still weird voice] I'm the greatest and bestest its me me me me!

(chorus X2)


The official dance move for the music video is walking in place